Younger 4-YEAR OLD PROGRAM (Robins):

  • (max. 12 students to 2 teachers)

  • M|T|TH|FR 9:30 am to 12:30 pm | $400 / mo.

Class Room Program

Typically, 4-year olds LOVE preschool!  They are old enough to separate from parents more easily, but young enough to fully appreciate all the wonder in the world. They are inquisitive learners and are beginning to be independent thinkers. Though children this age vary in personalities from shy to assertive, they are inquisitive, eager to explore, and delight in a job well done.

Our 4-year old class is rich with literacy and play-based learning.  We bring books, manipulatives, cooking experiences, puzzles, and other items particular to the unit of study into our classrooms. Ideas and concepts are often presented to the class during Large Group Time and then reinforced in Small Group Activities or during Open Center Time. 

At this age, 4-year olds typically enjoy making and having friends, but aren’t always aware that they can have more than one good friend at a time.  Many of our social skills activities will emphasize sharing, cooperation, acts of kindness, and developing a “bigger friend heart”. At the beginning of the year, we offer activities to emphasize the qualities that each child has in common, along with respecting and celebrating differences also.  These activities are designed to develop and place a high value on respectful behavior towards others.

As the school year progresses, the duration of Large Group Time and Open Center Time increases. More responsibility is asked of the children, such as cleaning up after themselves or using a wider variety of art materials, manipulatives and classroom items. We engage in prereading activities such as letter/number recognition, learning letter sounds, and explore rhyming words. Our “Handwriting Without Tears” writing curriculum places more focus on fine motor skills development through an extensive multisensory approach that is engaging, fun, and adaptable for children with varying learning styles.

This class will receive additional Music and Art Class instruction as well as attend in Chapel weekly with their classmates.  Playground time will be an important component of their day and all students will have opportunities to participate in field trips, both at the preschool and off-site.